Protect your bike - about cleaning and maintenance

Protect your bike - about cleaning and maintenance

Clean your bicycle

To clean your bicycle effectively without causing damage, use a gentle bike-specific cleaning solution, avoid high-pressure water, focus on cleaning the drivetrain and brakes, and dry your bike carefully after cleaning.

By following these tips, you can keep your bike clean and well-maintained, ensuring that it performs well and lasts longer.


1. Cleaning the bicycle frame

To clean the frame, you can use a rag dipped in water to pour it on the parts, so that the mud sticking to the bottom of the frame will easily become soft when it encounters water. At this time, just wipe it with a rag to remove the mud easily. Hycline employees do not recommend using high-pressure water guns to wash the sludge on the bicycle, because in this way, water and mud will enter the bottom bracket or hub; at the same time, high water pressure will impact the parts and reduce the life of the parts.


At this time, you need to pay attention to some places on the frame that are prone to mud accumulation, such as the center shaft of the bicycle frame. After washing off the muddy water on the frame with clean water, pour a little detergent on the rag and scrub. Where there is dirt on the frame, just gently wipe it back and forth a few times, and the frame will be clean. It is generally not recommended to use strong detergents such as washing powder, because many bicycles are made of aluminum, and the alkali contained in the washing powder will react with aluminum, which will cause some strange color spots on the aluminum part of the bicycle. So a soft detergent - household dish soap is definitely a better choice.


2.Wash the bicycle rims/wheels

When cleaning the bicycle wheel set, you can choose to use a brush dipped in detergent to brush the sand on the tire. When washing the rims, it is best to change to a rag with detergent and wipe the rims carefully. A simple scrubbing of the spokes will do. After washing the bicycle hub, do not use a high-pressure water gun to remove the detergent. Simply rinse with water and wipe with a clean rag. When washing the seat tube and seat bag, be careful not to let muddy water flow into the seat tube along the seam of the seat tube clamp. Under the seat bag, it is often the place where the most muddy water flies up, so carefully wipe off the mud with a rag.

For tires, you can use a slightly harder brush to remove the sand, gravel and dust on the tires for simple maintenance.

3. Clean the front fork, pedal and brake of the bicycle

Cleaning the front fork and pedals is very simple, and the pedals only need to wash off the muddy water. It is best not to rinse the front fork with water. When wiping the inner tube of the fork, wring out the water on the rag before wiping the inner tube of the front fork. After using the inner tube of the front fork for a period of time, some impurities will remain on it, which can be gently wiped off with a cotton swab. It is best to develop the habit of keeping the front fork clean, which is also the most basic maintenance for the front fork. When washing the brakes (based on the V brakes), you can directly wash the sediment left in the brakes with a water pipe to prepare for the next maintenance.

For wheel discs, front and rear derailleurs, guide wheels, etc., dust and small dirt can be removed with a brush.


4. Clean the gear, flywheel and chain of the bicycle

During the entire cleaning process, the gear set is the dirtiest part. Because there is lubricating oil left on the accessories, dust is the easiest to adhere to. We can also pour detergent on the rag first, and then we can clean the tooth plate after dipping in water. When washing the tooth plate, try to clean every tooth with a rag. After washing, rinse with water, you You will be pleasantly surprised to find that the tooth plate is as bright as new after being scrubbed with a dish soap rag.

The next thing to wash is the flywheel. To wash the flywheel, the rear wheel must be removed for cleaning. Release the rear brake first so the brake doesn't pinch the wheel. First, loosen the screws on both sides of the quick release of the rear wheel. At this time, tap the rear wheel lightly, and the wheel will come out. Put the wheel on the ground, wipe the flywheel carefully with a rag, put the wheel back on the car, pay attention to the position of the rear derailleur, slowly pull the rear derailleur to put the wheel in. This process is very simple, and you can understand it after one or two disassembly.

The last thing to clean is the chain. After a long ride, a lot of sand is easy to stick to the chain. There are many ways to wash the chain, the author introduces two methods here: the first is to use kerosene to wash the chain, wrap the rag with kerosene around the chain and drag it back and forth. The disadvantage is that it will leave you with a peculiar smell, stained with grease and oil stains. The second method is to use dish soap. It should be noted that when washing the chain, it is best to use hot water of about 45 degrees, this temperature is easier to play its cleaning effect. In addition to wiping the chain back and forth with a rag with detergent, it is best to use a thicker brush to slowly brush each link of the chain once, and soon the black chain will show its original color.

The above is the cleaning of the bicycle. To sum up, we must focus on the transmission system and braking system of the bicycle.



Maintain your bike

Regular maintenance is essential for keeping your bike in good use and ensuring that it performs optimally. Here are some reasons why you should maintain your bike:

Safety: Regular maintenance can help identify and fix any potential safety issues with your bike. This can include issues with brakes, tires, and other components that affect your ability to control the bike.

Performance: Proper maintenance can improve the overall performance of your bike. Regularly cleaning and lubricating the chain, for example, can help reduce friction and make pedaling smoother.

Longevity: A well-maintained bike will last longer than one that is neglected. By regularly cleaning, lubricating, and replacing worn parts, you can extend the life of your bike and avoid costly repairs or replacements.


How often should I maintain my bicycle?

 It depends on how often you ride and the conditions you ride in. As a general rule, you should clean and lubricate your chain after every ride and inspect your bike for any issues. You should also have your bike serviced by a professional at least once a year to ensure that it is in good condition. If it is a daily ride, you only need to perform maintenance once a week. If you ride frequently or in harsh conditions, you may need to have your bike serviced more often.

1.Maintenance of bicycle transmission system

Mainly lubrication. The most effective way is to add lubricating oil. What I want to remind everyone is that the chain should always be kept oily and sensitive, especially after wading and raining, it is necessary to refuel in time. The active parts of the front and rear derailleurs should also be filled with oil frequently. The oil used in the chain and derailleur should preferably be special anti-rust lubricating oil for bicycles. Ordinary machine oil can also be used, but the effect is poor.

2.Maintenance of bicycle brake system

The braking system is related to the personal safety of travel, so it is particularly important. In addition to maintaining the sensitivity of each moving part, check the travel clearance and wear of the brake pads frequently. The gap of the brake pads should be kept within the range of 2-3mm on both sides. If the gap is too large, the free travel value of the brake block will be increased, which will reduce the sensitivity of the brake. If the gap is too small, the phenomenon of braking force may appear, which will increase the riding strength and waste energy. There are more than two grooves on the surface of each brake block. If these grooves are about to be ground or have been ground, they should be replaced in time to ensure braking sensitivity and driving safety.

3. Maintenance of bicycle axles

The three shafts of the bicycle are ordinary shafts, sealed shafts, bearing shafts, etc. But no matter what kind of shaft, it must be maintained regularly. The timing is 5000km/year, that is to say, if you run for 5,000 kilometers, no matter if it is less than a year, you should perform a maintenance of replacing the butter. It is necessary to carry out a maintenance of changing the butter. At the same time, check the wear degree of parts such as steel balls and shaft gears, and replace them in time. Be careful not to use engine oil to lubricate the shafts.

4. Maintenance of brake lines and transmission lines

The general brake cables and transmission cables have movement conduits, and some dust and moisture will inevitably enter the two ends of these conduits, and some rainwater will also enter in rainy days, which will easily cause corrosion of the cables. Spread butter around the sides and put them in. And every year, no more than two years at most, it will be buttered again.


How to protect you bicycle?

Of course, if you are worried about trouble! Then leave this job to professional bicycle mechanics! A good car must be maintained by a professional repairman. Hycline's staff has extensive bike repair experience. You can email us your questions. We will provide excellent service and products!


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